Friday, November 1, 2019

Social Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Social Policy - Essay Example The role of the state therefore, has become crucial, while incorporating the new developments in the societal changes of the time in their social policy so that state benefit can reach every one. The predetermined and the predefined modules of the social changes have not only become outdated and irrelevant in the fast changing social environment, but the urgent need to address the evolving paradigms of the society at large, has become imperative. The various discourses relating to the people who are most vulnerable to be excluded from the state benefits can be broadly classified into three categories like RED or redistributive discourse, SID or social integration discourse and MUD or moral underclass discourse. RED became more emphasized in European Union as Portugal and United Kingdom, both had relatively significant number of people who do not have enough resources to meet the average living standard and hence often were deprived of the state benefits which should have been available to them. To ratify RED, social integration took the form of employment but here also, the marginalised workforce was poorly paid which still made a mockery of so called social integration. The moral underclass discourse was different in the sense that it considered that segment of society that had defied the norms of society and had become vulnerable to the moral and ethical correct societal norms. In United Kingdom, MUD became more popularly accepted after Blair government made special efforts to understand and evaluate the cause and consequences of this class of society in a comprehensive study. The wide ranging implications of the multi-cultural societies, as discussed earlier, have brought in an equal number of interlinked social issues and related problems which are increasingly becoming major concern for the state. Apart from the problem of

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